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## Visualising ideas

Educational institutions are faced with the challenge of not only teaching learning content, but also designing it creatively. This is where merle.tech comes in by putting design thinking centre stage. The aim is to analyse complex problems and design innovative solutions. The method promotes visual and practical work and helps learners to better grasp interrelationships.

## Interactive knowledge transfer

Workshops are the centrepiece of the service. In these interactive formats, the agile mindset is not only discussed in theory, but also brought to life using real-life scenarios. The puzzle as a metaphor for the networking of different areas of knowledge helps to place what has been learnt in the context of Industry 4.0 and 5.0. Participants learn to put knowledge together to form a whole.

## Making sustainability tangible

The circular economy is another key aspect of merle.tech's educational programmes. Instead of abstract definitions, the concept is made tangible using the collage method. This not only creates discussions about sustainability, but also physical representations that make the path from linear to circular thinking comprehensible.

## Communicating knowledge successfully

Ultimately, the aim is to put the content learnt into practice. merle.tech inspires participants not only to develop new ideas, but also to communicate them. The ability to share knowledge and innovation is crucial for success in education and beyond.

With its formats, merle.tech offers a unique combination of creativity, practical relevance and sustainability to equip educational institutions for the challenges of the future.


Contact us today and get inspired by our fun, agile formats!

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